How to deal with being the outsider as a temp

Posted on Friday, October 4, 2024 by Rana SNo comments

Starting any new job can be nerve-wracking, but as a temp, the challenge can feel even greater. You’re often stepping into a workplace where routines, relationships, and even inside jokes are already well-established, and as a temp it can be hard to break in. It’s easy to feel like the outsider. However, there are ways to bridge this gap and ensure you thrive during your time in temporary jobs in London.

1.    Embrace the role with confidence

One of the main aspects of succeeding in temporary jobs in London is to approach your role with confidence. Remember, you were hired because the company needs you, and you’ve got the skills they’re looking for. Rather than feeling like an outsider, remind yourself that you’re an asset to the team. Be proactive and take initiative. Whether it’s asking for clarification or offering help, this shows you’re eager to contribute.

2.    Observe and adapt

In any office, there are unwritten rules and social cues that dictate how things work. As a temp, it’s essential to be observant. Take note of how people communicate with each other, what’s acceptable in terms of office culture, and how the workflow is managed. By doing this, you’ll find it easier to integrate into the team without feeling like an outsider.

It’s also important to be adaptable. Temporary jobs in London can vary greatly, and the way one office runs may be completely different from the next. Flexibility will be your greatest strength as you learn to adjust to new surroundings quickly.

3.    Build rapport quickly

Building relationships is key to breaking the feeling of being the outsider. Start by being friendly and approachable. Simple actions like introducing yourself, smiling, or getting a drinks run, can help you form connections. Don’t worry if you don’t make an instant connection with everyone – temping in London means you’ll be in and out of different places. Another tip is to join in after work drinks, if they have them. It shows you’re keen to be on the inside and not just clock off when your working day is done.

4.    Ask questions

No one expects you to know everything, especially when you’re only there for a short period. If you’re unsure of something, don’t hesitate to ask questions. This not only helps you understand your tasks better but also shows that you’re committed to doing the job right.

Often, asking a colleague for advice or assistance can spark a conversation and start a relationship that makes you feel less like an outsider.

5.    Stay professional, but be yourself

While it’s essential to be professional, it’s equally important to be yourself. Trying too hard to fit in can come across as disingenuous. Instead, let your personality shine while maintaining a respectful and professional manner.

While it’s easy to feel like an outsider when temping, with a little effort you’ll be able to fit in. Temping through an agency which has strong links and relationships with employers is also a must. We’re here to help you get the best opportunities. Get in touch on 020 7870 7177.

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