Leading Recruitment Agency in London: Industry News & Insights - January 2020

  • Where to Go for Work Drinks in London with a Big Group

    Posted on Friday, January 31, 2020 by Top London PANo comments

    The dreaded email has landed in your inbox: “Please organise drinks for…” Whether it’s a leaving do, birthday, or a large group of clients, those doing PA jobs in London can suddenly be filled with dread. London is well-known for its bars and pubs, but they aren’t always spacious! No problem, we’ve come to the rescue with our list of top places to go for drinks in London with a big group. The ...

  • Make Temping in London Work for You

    Posted on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 by The TempNo comments

    When we chat to candidates looking for temporary jobs in London, our recruitment consultants are often asked how long it will take the individual to find a job. There’s no standard answer, but we can explain what’s going on so you can make it work for you. Why do temp work in London? It’s important that you consider why you want to do temping in London. What are you hoping to get out of it? If ...

  • How do you find a London recruitment agency you can trust?

    Posted on Monday, January 27, 2020 by The Workplace AdvisorNo comments

    As 2020’s Most Trusted Specialist PA Recruitment Agency, we’re confident that we know a thing or two about trust in the recruitment industry. We also know that, as an industry, recruitment can leave both candidates and employers unsure of who to trust. It shouldn’t be like that though. So, how can you dig through all the recruitment agencies in London to find one that you feel will really help ...

  • Insider Insight: Do you feel valued as a PA?

    Posted on Friday, January 24, 2020 by Top London PANo comments

    At our PA recruitment agency, we love hearing about the PA jobs in London that you do. It provides valuable insight for other PAs and EAs looking to make a change, or for individuals looking to move into this as a career. Recently, we chatted with Cathy about her role as a private PA. How did you become a PA? I moved to London to be a nanny. However, as the children grew, the role changed ...

  • 5 Top Tips for Nailing Prioritising as a PA

    Posted on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 by Top London PANo comments

    If you’re spinning plates with more whirl than a dizzy circus performer, then you need to nail prioritising. If you’re an office temp in London or a PA, you can find yourself overwhelmed with tasks that just have to be done. As a busy London recruitment agency, we know a fair amount about how to stop those plates from crashing down. So here are our top five tips for prioritising: Be best friends ...

  • How to Handle Blue Monday in the Workplace

    Posted on Monday, January 20, 2020 by The Office Zen MasterNo comments

    Monday 20 th January is ‘Blue Monday’ a.k.a. the most depressing day of the year. Those working in office support jobs in London aren’t immune to the post-Christmas slump. But how do you deal with Blue Monday in the workplace so you can quickly pick up and regain your energy and verve? Is it just Blue Monday or is it something more? It’s important to identify if you’re feeling glum simply because ...

  • What attributes do the best office support temps in London have?

    Posted on Friday, January 17, 2020 by The TempNo comments

    There are loads of opportunities to work in temporary office support jobs in London. But how do you know what attributes you need to make a success of temping? Today, we’ll unveil the common attributes we see at our leading London recruitment agency—these are the characteristics that our successful London temps display in reams. Initiative Office support roles always require a problem-solving ...

  • 2020 and Temping in London

    Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 by The Career GuideNo comments

    Since the start of the year, we’ve been talking about New Year’s Resolutions and goals for 2020. We even chatted to a bunch of our candidates who work in temporary jobs in London. We asked them what we could do as a recruitment agency to help them in 2020 and what their personal goals for the year are. Here’s what we found out. Favourite clients Alexis said: “I have my favourite clients through ...

  • Top Tips for Getting a New Job in 2020

    Posted on Monday, January 13, 2020 by The Career GuideNo comments

    At our top London recruitment agency, we find that January is the time for job hunting and candidate seeking. After a slow period at the end of the year and a break over Christmas, both employers and candidates are eagerly back on the hunt for office support jobs in London and great candidates to fill them. So if you’re looking for a new job in 2020, we’ve got the top tips you need to succeed. ...

  • Interview with a PA about finding their first PA job in London

    Posted on Friday, January 10, 2020 by The Career GuideNo comments

    At the Love Success PA recruitment agency, we’ve been chatting to Alex, who is PA to a director for a well-known brand. Having built an enviable career in a short time, we wanted to find out about his first PA job in London. How did you find your first PA job in London? At the time, I was doing a lot of temp work in London. I’d finished my A-levels and was filling a gap year before university as ...