From temp to perm – what you need to know for a smooth transition

Posted on Sunday, August 4, 2024 by Amanda SNo comments

It’s quite common for temporary positions to be a route in to being offered a permanent job. It’s increasingly a way that employers ‘try before they buy.’ But how do you make it more likely that you’ll be offered a permanent position on the back of a temporary job, and how do you transition smoothly from being a temp to being a permanent member of staff?

Demonstrate your value

When you’re aiming to move from a temporary position to a permanent one, the first step is to demonstrate your value. Treat every task with the utmost professionalism and go above and beyond the basics expected of you. Show your employer that you are committed, reliable, and indispensable. By consistently delivering high-quality work, you can make a strong case for why they should keep you on permanently.

Build strong relationships

Building strong relationships with your colleagues and supervisors is crucial in cultivating the groundwork for this to become a permanent thing. Engage with your team, participate in office activities, and show a genuine interest in the company’s success. Establishing a good rapport with your co-workers and management can make a significant difference when it comes to being considered for a longer term position.

Communicate your intentions

Don’t be shy about expressing your desire for a permanent position. During your time in the temporary role, make it known to your supervisors and the HR department that you are interested in staying with the company long-term. If you’ve chosen a recruitment agency that works with both temporary and permanent positions, they can help you here too.

Improve based on feedback

Regularly seek feedback from your supervisors about your performance and then show that you are open to constructive criticism and willing to learn. By actively working on the feedback, you can enhance your skills and demonstrate your commitment to improving, making you a more attractive candidate for permanent roles.

Get your agency to help

Recruitment agencies in London, like us, can be instrumental in your transition from temp to perm. For example, we can advocate on your behalf. So, keep your recruitment consultant updated on your progress and your desire to transition to a permanent role. They are a great source of advice too.

Bed into the company culture

Fitting into the company culture is just as important as your job performance. Observe and adapt to the company’s work style, values, and social dynamics. Integrate and be a good cultural ‘fit’ so the company doesn’t want to lose you.  

Highlight your contributions

When the time comes to discuss a permanent role, be ready to highlight your unique contributions to the company. Prepare specific examples of how your work has positively impacted the business.  

Be patient

Not every temporary role has the potential of becoming permanent. So, be patient and continue gaining skills and experience in temporary jobs, and the opportunity will eventually come up.

When an employer of your temporary job talks about making the role permanent, it’s vital to talk with your recruitment agency. They can help you navigate the transition and negotiate the best terms and conditions.

Would you like to use Love Success as your recruitment agency? Give us a call on 0207 7870 7177.



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