How to Deal with a Christmas Redundancy

Posted on Monday, December 14, 2020 by The Career GuideNo comments

It’s an unfortunate reality that many workers in London will be facing redundancy this Christmas. Although the furlough scheme has undoubtedly helped keep people in jobs, the end of the calendar year can also be a time when businesses reflect, and they may feel that redundancies are inescapable.

However, while it may feel particularly harsh to be made redundant at Christmas, our London recruitment agency knows that there are some positive elements too. Here we look at how to approach Christmas redundancy positively and land your next office support job ASAP.

Being made redundant in December forces you to take time, and that’s no bad thing. Don’t jump straight into job searching. If you’re worried about money, Christmas is a boom time for temporary jobs in London. But also remember to relax, have fun, and mark New Year as the point when you’ll properly begin job hunting.

  1. Reflect

    Christmas is a time for reflection. Ask yourself if you want to make some career changes, and specifically, what you want to prioritise in your next role.

  2. Get prepared

    Use the Christmas break to really prepare yourself for your future career search. Prepare your CV, and ask friends and family to review it. Write down all your achievements and use online training courses to plug any skills gaps. Mentally prepare as well: Use exercise, meditation, or whatever floats your boat to shrug off the stress of the redundancy process and prepare for 2021.

  3. Get your finances in order

    It’s all too easy to jump into any old job when you’re worried about money. More support than usual is available if you’re struggling at the moment. Whether you need to arrange a mortgage holiday or set a new household budget, gaining control over your finances will enable you to choose a job you genuinely want.

  4. Know your rights

    Use ACAS to ensure that you’re being treated fairly through the redundancy process. Knowing what to expect and what is fair can help you feel that it’s less personal and also make you feel that you’re not alone.

  5. Get help

As a London recruitment agency, we know that job hunts can be slow until the New Year gets underway. However, there’s a lot we can help you with in the meantime. We can keep you informed on upcoming vacancies, help you secure temporary jobs in London, and support you through the job search process. We can even help you identify which skills you’re missing so that you know what to work on over Christmas.

No, Christmas isn’t a great time to be made redundant. But take a deep breath and realise that you’ve now got some time on your hands to take stock and work out a way forwards. If we can help you, let us know. Give us a call on 020 7870 7177.


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