Strategies for securing repeat temporary office support assignments

Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 by Sam RNo comments

In the arena of temporary jobs in London, securing repeat assignments can be a game-changer. But how you can make sure you’re always in demand? We’re the experts and we’ve got the tips you need!

Deliver exceptional work

It might seem obvious, but the foundation of securing repeat assignments really does lie in consistently delivering high-quality work. Here’s how to stand out:

Accuracy and efficiency: Ensure your tasks are completed accurately and on time. Attention to detail and efficiency are highly valued in office support roles.

Proactive approach: Don’t just wait for tasks to be assigned; show initiative by identifying areas where you can help or improve processes.

Adaptability: Temporary jobs in London often require you to step into varied roles. Being adaptable and quick to learn new systems or protocols makes you indispensable.

Build strong relationships

Creating and nurturing professional relationships can significantly boost your chances of being called back.

Effective communication: Keep lines of communication open with your supervisors and colleagues. Regular updates on your progress and a friendly attitude can make a lasting impression.

Networking: Attend company events or social gatherings if possible. Networking within the company can lead to new opportunities and valuable recommendations.

Follow-up: After your assignment ends, send a thank-you note or email expressing your gratitude for the opportunity. This small gesture keeps you in the minds of hiring managers for future roles.

Showcase your skills

Your skills and experience are your biggest assets. Make sure they are visible and up-to-date.

Update your CV regularly: Tailor your CV to highlight relevant skills and experiences for each assignment. And make sure you leave an updated copy when you leave an assignment.

Professional online presence: Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile showcasing your skills, experiences, and endorsements. Make connections with the people at your assignment.

Seek feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback at the end of your assignments.

Work with the best agency

Working with a reputable recruitment agency can streamline your job search and increase your chances of securing repeat assignments.

Build a good relationship: Regularly check in with your agency and keep them informed of your availability. Proactive candidates always do better.

Be reliable: Reliability is crucial in temping in London. Ensure you arrive on time, meet deadlines, and maintain a professional attitude. You’re representing the agency, so if you want repeat assignments, be a good ambassador!

Stay flexible: Being open to various roles and flexible with your schedule makes you a go-to candidate for urgent or last-minute assignments.

Continuous learning and development

Investing in your personal and professional development can set you apart from other candidates. In temping, you’ve got to take charge of your own development.

Skill enhancement: Take online courses or attend workshops to improve your skills. We offer various free training to help you stay ahead of the game.

Stay informed: Keep up with industry trends and best practices.

We’re here to help you get repeat temporary assignments in office support. Many of the temps on our books make a career of temping and work with us to secure repeated jobs.

Find out more about being a Love Success temp.



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