5 Steps to Find the Best Secretarial and PA Jobs in London

Posted on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 by Top London PANo comments

Gone are the days of rocking up at a London recruitment agency and the next day walking into a fantastic job. Now is a fantastic time for candidates, but recruitment has changed. You have to be prepared. So what steps do you need to take to find the best secretarial and PA jobs in London? As London’s leading PA recruitment agency, we’ll let you in on the inside information.

  1. Be honest with yourself

    Before you pick up the phone or fire off your CV, you need to take an honest look at your skills. Consider how up to date they are and how they will appeal to an employer. Also consider what you’re looking for from the next step of your career. Take a look at the top 5 traits of successful job seekers.

    We’re in an interesting candidate market. Statistics will lead you to believe that you won’t be competing with many other candidates for a position. However, this masks the need for employers seeking secretaries and PAs to be discerning. The best roles do have competition and you need to stand out.

  2. Brush up your CV

    Having taken an honest approach, you are now better placed to review and revamp your CV. CVs, to some degree, are fashionistas. They need to change their looks with the times. However, they are also dinosaur-like. The staples must remain the same. Ensure your CV headlines your skills and attributes in the way expected today. Use our advice here to help you craft an exceptional CV.

    Having had a first attempt, you may expect a PA recruitment agency to help you here. Not every London recruitment agency offers this, but submit your CV to Love Success and we can help ensure it fits the bill.

  3. Use your agency

    A London recruitment agency is your conduit between the employer and your success. They are paid by the employer but this doesn’t mean they aren’t working for you too. They will have unique advice and tips to help you secure the best secretarial and PA jobs in London. Listen and follow their advice.

  4. Tackle interviews confidently

    All too often, candidates present themselves fantastically on CV only to fall down at the interview stage. This is particularly important for secretarial, admin, and PA roles where there needs to be a marriage of culture, personality, and aptitude between you and the person you’re working for. An interview is the opportunity for the employer to gauge this element and not simply quantifiable skills such as your WPM rate or Excel knowledge.

    It’s therefore absolutely vital that you improve your interview confidence. Seek advice, prepare answers, and practice.

  5. Request feedback

Whether you’re successful at interview or not, this is an opportunity for feedback. By using a PA recruitment agency, you will get better feedback. The employer will be more candid with the agency than they would be directly to a candidate. This is also within the framework of the recruitment agency knowing their client and candidate well. Use this feedback to learn and refine your recruitment approach.

If you’re ready to find the best secretarial and PA jobs in London, get in touch on 020 7870 7177.


Love Success is a leading PA and secretarial recruitment agency in London.
Our recruiters can help you find secretarial jobs, office support jobs, and top PA jobs in London.

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