Looking for Work in London? Why You Should Consider Temporary Jobs

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2019 by The TempNo comments

Are you a PA looking for work in London? Perhaps you’re skilled in office support positions? If you’re only looking at permanent positions, you could be hindering your opportunities and your career. Today, as a leading London PA recruitment agency, we’ll show you why temp work in London is booming and why we’re seeing a strong market for temporary job candidates.

The state of the employment market

As a recruitment agency in London who also focuses on both temporary and permanent positions, it’s essential that we have our nose to the ground of the employment market. Our research and on-the-ground knowledge is telling us the same thing: the best opportunities at the moment are for temporary jobs in London. Why is this?

Well, there are a number of factors. Firstly, Brexit has created a bizarre bubble in terms of recruitment. The uncertainty has led many employers to adopt a wait-and-see approach, using temporary jobs as a way to meet their current recruitment needs. You can find out more about the impact of Brexit on the London PA job market here. With the extension until Halloween, this will continue for at least another few months yet.

However, it’s not just about Brexit. Generally speaking, due to the low unemployment rate, the market is tough for employers. This is combined with a shift in how employers view temp work in London. As we’ve explained previously, employers are increasingly using temporary workers in a strategic way. They like the flexibility and scalability that temporary arrangements enable.

All in all, this makes a great set of opportunities for those seeking temp work in London. However, what it doesn’t address is whether you should take these temporary opportunities and whether they’re in your best interests.

Why temporary work is good for the individual

The good news is that there have been some huge shifts in how temporary work is offered and perceived in the modern employment market. While temp work in London was once taken to be the short-term and poorly-paid option for those travelling or between jobs, it’s now something quite different.

Temporary positions have seen the greatest wage growth in recent times. This reflects the demand for such workers by employers. Financially, at least, temporary jobs in London are in your interests. However, it’s more than that. Temping in office support and PA roles is a way to accelerate your career. You can very quickly acquire a wide range of transferable skills that serve to make you more employable in the future.

Additionally, temporary working offers you flexibility. As a leading recruitment agency in London, we see more and more candidates seeking greater flexibility in their lives, and a flexible work-life is a key component to that. With temp positions, you can work for a few days here or there—or commit for a few months. No matter which you choose, you are in the driving seat.

How to find temp office support work in London

The good news is that you’re already in the right place to find the temp jobs in London that you’re after. We are a recruitment agency in London that specialises in temporary office support and PA roles. We’ve seen the boom in employers looking for candidates just like you, so browse our latest job opportunities here or give us a call on 020 7870 7177 to find out more.


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