Chatting about work life balance with those in office support jobs in London

Posted on Friday, February 3, 2023 by Kim TNo comments

It’s probably fair to say that those in office support jobs in London are more familiar than many with high-pressure demands. There’s often too much work for the day and the divide between work-life and home-life can get fuzzy. Especially since the rise of hybrid working, it can be difficult to maintain high productivity while also ensuring the rest of your life doesn’t suffer. So, we spoke to some individuals in office support jobs in London about how they manage their work life balance effectively.

It’s about balance for you!

Brandon told us, “When thinking about work life balance, you need to think about you, not what works for someone else. The work life demands of a parent of primary aged kids will be different to that of a new graduate or someone reaching retirement. It’s easy to get caught up in the flow of what others are doing without thinking about what works for you. For example, I actually get good work life balance by leaving the office at 4.30 to go to the gym, cook dinner with my girlfriend, and then check emails again at 10pm. Other people would hate to log on then!”

It’s about finding a job you love

Ben shared, “For me, the biggest part of building a good work life balance is about finding a job you love. If you don’t mostly enjoy what you do then it doesn’t matter how balanced your life is, it will feel out of kilter. Think about what makes you happy. For me, I like to be a valued part of a team where our output makes a difference to others.”

Build in breaks during the day

Rosalyn told us, “I’m a busy working mum. If I don’t take breaks, I’ll get burnt out. I make sure that I take a proper lunch break and I always take time at least once a week, after work, just for me. This way I can ensure I’ve always got energy for other people.”

Flexibility works both ways

Josie revealed, “I have a couple of long-standing wellness appointments each week which are really important for my long-term health and wellbeing. I’ve negotiated with my employer to work from home on those days and have the flexibility to attend the appointments. In return, I work slightly longer days in the office. It’s about give and take.”

Pick your employer wisely

“The reality is that not all employers are created equally when it comes to work life balance,” says Ross. “Some employers expect more and more and it leads to stress. Others take employee wellbeing really seriously and value good work life balance, recognising that happy employees are productive employees. When you change jobs, I think it’s really important to consider the employer’s approach to your wellbeing. If they care, then you’ll be highly motivated and engaged and this pays off for them.”

Find a good work life balance

Are you struggling to create a good work life balance in your current role? Have you tried talking to your employer about flexibility and not got anywhere? Start afresh and create a better work life balance in a new job.

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