There are lots of assumptions about what a PA does, and most centre on the image of a beautified female admin assistant who makes coffee for her white, middle-aged male professional, whilst not forgetting to collect his dry cleaning. In 2019, PA jobs in London rarely look like this. Indeed, PA jobs and office support jobs in London are now very different from that image. As a PA recruitment agency, we know how a PA can add value to a modern business, so we’ll let you in on the role of the modern PA.
Admin and secretarial duties
Yes, a large chunk of a PA’s time is usually dedicated to admin duties. But while these duties once fit the scope of a secretary, they are now far more complex and wide-reaching. For example, a valuable PA won’t just use the record-keeping system, but actually design, refine, and maintain it. They bring efficiency to complex admin tasks.
The nature of PA admin duties in a modern business varies enormously based on the scope of the business. For example, one PA may be responsible for taking meeting minutes while another might lead the meeting in the place of their executive. One may make travel bookings for their boss, another might organise training events with hundreds of delegates.
A broadened role
In our experience as a PA recruitment agency, PA jobs in London are incredibly broad roles that vary a lot. Their duties are as wide as necessary to provide support to boost the success and profitability of a business. That’s a pretty wide scope! In order to fulfil this broad requirement, the modern PA is a resourceful, diligent, organised, and creative ‘doer’. Their role is very diverse, because the needs of executives and business leaders varies according to business age, industry, size, goals, and more.
Wearing many hats
Unsurprisingly, a successful PA is incredibly flexible and able to wear many different hats. One day, they may need to draw on marketing skills and the next rely heavily on their ability to negotiate. These are skilled roles. At the core of all their tasks, the modern PA must be a highly adept communicator. They need to come up with ideas and shoulder responsibilities.
They are a trusted partner, working to drive the business forwards. They are the sounding board, the cheerleading squad, and the scaffolding of the c-suite. They stop execs and leaders becoming overwhelmed and impacting business goals and objectives. That’s a mighty tough call!
PA jobs in London – finding the gem you need
The world of the PA is still female-dominated. But that doesn’t mean the role hasn’t changed. PA jobs are varied and complex, sitting alongside the broader range of office support jobs in London. As a PA recruitment agency, we can bring you the talent you need to support your business. Get in touch to find the gem you need on 020 7870 7177.
Love Success is a leading PA and secretarial recruitment agency in London.
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