How to get your CV past AI bots

Posted on Monday, March 6, 2023 by Tanya SNo comments

AI technology is revolutionizing the recruitment process. Companies are now using ATS software to automatically filter through job applications and resumes before they ever reach a human. Only 25% of CVs are estimated to make it past the AI, with 95% of Fortune 500 companies adopting this technology to determine who advances to human interaction.

What are Automatic CV Checkers?

Automatic CV Checkers, also known as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), are software systems used by recruiters to sort through job applications. These systems help recruiters effectively manage large volumes of resumes and identify the most suitable candidates for a job. These are the ‘bots’ you need your CV to get past.

How do ATS Work?

An ATS scans CVs for specific keywords and qualifications related to the job advertisement, or the criteria entered by the hiring manager. The recruiter sets up search criteria on the software to look for CVs that contain relevant skills and experience, such as "typing speed" or "MS Word”.

Will CV be seen by a human?

Although ATS can reject up to 75% of resumes before they reach a human recruiter, they can't fully replace human interaction in the hiring process. Recruiters will review the filtered CVs before making a shortlist for further consideration. Certainly, a human should have reviewed your CV if you are invited for interview.

How can I ensure my CV gets past the AI bots?

·       Use keywords

Read the job description and person specification, and make sure to include relevant keywords in your CV. You can use a highlighter to go through and pull out phrases and terms that encompass core skills and competencies. The software will look for keywords in your skills, experience, and qualifications, so make sure you pepper the content of your CV with these identified keywords.

·       Focus on format

ATS prefer clear and concise CVs, so avoid fancy graphics, text boxes, and tables. Stick to the basics such as a professional font, bullet points, and a two-page limit. Formatting is an important skill for your CV anyway. A good lay out makes for a better CV.

·       Keep headings simple

Use well-known headings like "Key skills and experience" and "Employment history" to make it easier for the software to categorise your CV. Stick to the essentials and avoid excessive detail. If you had an unusual job title it may be worth using a more common alternative.

·       Weight skills and experience

Ensure you include skills and experience and remove any wasted wording. There’s no padding needed in a well-crafted CV. Wherever possible, detail tangible outcomes and evidence of your skills and experience.

Writing a CV that will pass the AI bots is often simply about writing a good CV. All CVs should be clear and concise, focusing on addressing the individual job description.

Our recruitment consultants are always happy to look through your CV and make recommendations. Upload your CV to register as a candidate.


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