Avoid These 5 Major Mistakes on Your CV

Posted on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 by The CV WizardNo comments

As your London recruitment agency, we give you the right advice to thrive and succeed as a job seeker. The quality of CV and application advice is one of the major things you should consider when choosing from the huge number of recruitment agencies in the capital.

Funnily enough, one thing we see a lot of every day is CVs — mountains and mountains of them to be precise! We read and digest them, but we also hear from employers regarding what they like and don’t like. Here, we’ve compiled the most common CV mistakes you should avoid when applying for office support jobs in London:

  1. Length

    Ditch your novel-writing wishes and be precise! CVs that read more like a magazine than a quick summary, or are so densely packed with word that they give you an instant migraine, aren’t the way to go!

    Recruiters need to be able to scan your CV and get a really good feel of your skills and suitability in moments. All you’re doing here is whetting the appetite; the interview is where you can expand.

    So, keep your CV to below two pages without making font sizes tiny or eliminating borders.

  2. Spelling

    It’s not that hiring managers are pedants (although they might be). The issue with spelling mistakes and typos in a CV is that you’ve just not taken care or paid attention to detail.

    If you’re applying for office support jobs, this matters. You need to show how you’ll pay attention on the job.

    Proofread your CV multiple times on different days. Get someone else to check it for you too.

  3. Who are you?

    Many candidates make their CVs so skills-and-experience heavy that there isn’t any room to inject a little personality. Whilst skills and experience do need to be the focus, you need to present them in such a way that the reader can get a genuine sense of who you are.

    Once you’ve ticked the boxes for having the skills, experience, and aptitude for the job, the hiring manager wants to know that you’re going to fit in and work well in their workplace.

  4. Achievements

    Again, skills and experience are useful. However, try to frame them in a way that showcases your tangible achievements. Anyone can list a bunch of skills, but not everyone can say how those skills have led to specific success.

    A great way of doing this is to swerve away from listing duties in a past role and instead think about how performing those duties added value to your employer.

  5. Specifics

It’s tempting, given the effort involved, to have one CV to use for every application. You can indeed have a good general framework, but you don’t want to send out a CV that looks generic. Occasionally, you made need to tailor sections of it for specific roles.

Avoid these mistakes and you’ll be streets ahead of the masses! Also, go and check out our CV writing tips.


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