Whether you’d always intended to take a gap year before university or it’s been forced on your because of the A-level results fiasco, you want your gap year to be rewarding, memorable, and impactful. But amid a global pandemic, how can you ensure that your gap year cuts the mustard? One of the best ways to embrace the academic year ahead is to take advantage of what temporary jobs in London can offer.
Typically, young people look for several things from their gap year: new experiences, travel, earning cash, giving back, building skills, and taking time out. There’s no reason why this year should be any different.
Work experience, skills, and cash
Temping in London not only puts you in the heart of a global, cosmopolitan city, but it’ll also ensure that you begin building an excellent CV. Unfortunately, there are tough times ahead for graduates. By doing temp work in London, you can boost your CV, gain insight into the type of career you’d like, and earn some cash in the process. It’ll put you ahead of the game for the future. Living and working in a capital city is the ultimate new experience and will stand you in good stead for moving away to university too.
You can find out more about temporary jobs in London here.
Who said you have to leave the UK to have incredible travel experiences? If culture is your thing, then what about heading to Cardiff, London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, or Manchester, indulging in art galleries and museums to your heart’s content? If you’re after incredible views and wild experiences, what’s stopping you going ghyll-scrambling in the Lake District, wild camping on Dartmoor, or taking on a Ben Nevis climb? Think about what you wanted from your travel experiences and then think about how to get those same opportunities here in the UK.
If the call for overseas travel is just too much, then either work and save your cash for the future or, perhaps, put off your travel plans until towards the end of your gap year, when things will hopefully be calmer Covid-wise.
Giving back
For many, giving something back to society is an important part of a gap year and the motivation behind many volunteering experiences. Due to the pandemic, many charities in the UK are having financial difficulties and facing shortages in volunteers due to regular helpers falling into vulnerable groups. Again, think about your motivation for volunteering. Would you like to help young people? If so, maybe volunteer for Girlguiding or Scouts. Are you keenly interested in conservation and the environment? If so, what about cleaning up beaches with the Marine Conservation Society or helping to rewild Scotland through Trees for Life?
Voluntary work always looks fantastic on your CV.
A gap year that works
Whatever you decide to do with your gap year, try to put a plan in place. This will help ensure you get what you want from the year ahead, even if Covid has already messed up your previous plans.
Working and earning cash will underpin most of your plans. For temporary jobs in London, we can help. Get in touch with us on 020 7870 7177.
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