We’ve been talking a great deal lately about the benefits of temporary jobs in London and why you should consider temping in London. However, sometimes you need to hear it from the horse’s mouth. Office support jobs in London in 2019 are becoming available more frequently as temporary roles. Yet we know that the reasons why an individual decides to temp in London are hugely varied.
So, to give you an insider insight, we spoke to five different individuals who are currently using our London recruitment agency for temporary office support jobs in London:
- The Graduate
- The Return-to-Work Parent
- The Temp to Perm
- The Student
- The Career Temp
This five-part series of articles gives you some on-the-ground feedback on why these individuals temp and how it’s working out for them. Today’s article focuses on The Graduate.
The graduate temp
John has been a Love Success temp since May when he completed his degree. He recently attended his graduation.
Why did you start temping?
After three years at uni, I was broke but also desperate to get out in to the real world. I come from Wiltshire and went to uni in Warwick. However, I really wanted to start my career in London. I did a geography degree and to be honest, I’m still not sure what I really want to do. I figured temping in London would get me in to the city I want to be in, earning cash and giving me experience to find out what I want to do.
What type of temp placements have you done?
My first was for two weeks helping out with an annual audit. It was fairly dull but the pay was good. It was also my first real experience of being in an office. Since then, I did a month in the charity sector, helping with a new campaign. That was really interesting and I learned a lot. Now I am part way into a three-month contract in a digital design agency. The work is fascinating!
How long do you think you will temp for?
Temping in London is working really well for me at the moment. Lots of my friends still haven’t started working but I’m already getting experience. Now that I’m beginning to understand what I like, I think I will probably temp for one more year, then start to look for permanent roles, also in London. I’ve definitely discovered that office support jobs in London are hugely variable and I can see myself building my career in this area.
If you could give graduate temps some advice, what would you say?
I think just ‘do it’. It’s quite daunting moving to London without a ‘proper’ job but I really underestimated how many temporary jobs in London there are, particularly within office support. Also, don’t think that it’s not getting started in a career. I’ve learned that actually this is really boosting my career potential.
Read more about how to find office support jobs in London on a temporary basis. We also have some dedicated information for temporary workers in London. Stay tuned for the rest of the series!
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