Many workers — both temporary and permanent —initially reacted to coronavirus and its implications for their jobs with fear, anxiety, despondency, and more. There’s no denying that now isn’t an ideal time for recruitment. However, recruitment is still happening if you know where to look. As we know from speaking to London’s army of PAs, there are many options available.
PA jobs in London
Many of the capital’s PAs have been able to continue their jobs in a similar way, albeit working remotely from home. The biggest difference many have experienced is the reduction in travel bookings. However, as Evelyn told us, “The time I used to use making travel arrangements is now spent communicating with clients. Keeping them in the picture is taking a hands-on and structured approach.”
PAs also have an advantage as much of their role is suited to remote working. Candidates have found that they’ve been able to secure PA jobs in London, working virtually for the time being.
As Ajay reported, “I was really surprised to get an interview for a job I applied for in early March. It took place over Zoom, and I’ve now started as a Personal Assistant for an executive in a City firm. It’s taken some adjusting getting settled into a new role without being there, but everyone’s been really helpful. I can’t wait to do the job in person though!”
Office support jobs in London
Some of London’s office support workers have been furloughed. However, many have been moved to remote working. Recruitment for these roles can be tricky but isn’t impossible. The change has had some interesting consequences, as Marc explained: “I was miserable when lockdown hit. I’ve been desperate to move on from my current role for ages. I felt that this would put any move on hold. Instead, I’ve rediscovered a love for the job. There are challenges again and that’s exciting. I discovered that a lot of my struggles with work can be put down to the commute, not the workplace itself. I think this experience is also showing my employer that remote working can be effective, which could be really useful when things get back to normal.”
Temp work in London
Despite fears to the contrary, temp work in London hasn’t dried up. Before coronavirus, the recruitment market for permanent placements had been picking up, which meant that temporary postings had slowed. Lockdown has reversed the trend.
We’ve experienced it ourselves, largely as a result of our virtual support service that provides PAs and administrative support to businesses. Raj says “I love being able to still get temporary roles through Love Success. I’ve made a career of temping so was obviously worried, but I’ve actually been quite busy supporting a number of different businesses. There have been some challenges because it’s not like other placements where you use the computer of the employer. I’ve had to set myself up at home, but it’s working surprisingly well.”
We’re thrilled to be able to offer virtual support to both clients and candidates. It’s proving to work effectively for everyone. Remote working can be challenging, but we’re really pleased to see candidates benefiting from the opportunities it offers.
Love Success is a leading London PA & office support recruitment agency.
Our expert recruiters can help you find permanent and temporary jobs in London.
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