Should you self-promote at work?

Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 by Emma PANo comments

As a leading London recruitment agency, we know that people in office support jobs in London are often the unsung heroes of the workplace. They oil the gears and turn the cogs, but they are only really noticed when something goes wrong or they aren’t there. Self-promotion is often an uncomfortable concept for us, but should those in office support jobs big themselves up, showcasing their achievements, and work on their self-promotion?

Knowing how to shine the spotlight on your achievements and accomplishments is a vital skill in today’s workplace. If you work remotely, this is perhaps even more important. It’s essential that both colleagues and managers notice your contribution in the moment, and not just when you’re not there. There’s the added benefit that self-promotion (with a little practice) can make you feel good too, boosting your self-confidence. It may even help to build the evidence for a job promotion or serve as a springboard to a new role.

Self-promotion isn’t just ok and not boasting, it’s important. So, how should you self-promote at work?

Make a record for yourself

It’s hard to self-promote when you don’t allow yourself to bask in praise. However, it’s helpful to keep a document running of copied and pasted emails of praise or gratitude, or even verbal comments that have been made. Save project feedback, screenshots of positive data that you’ve contributed to – anything that is tangible evidence that shows your value in the team.

This has the benefit of ensuring you have the relevant information to hand to draw on as evidence, but it also gets you in the habit of noticing your worth and value. You can then take this document with you to things such as a performance review, an interview, or internal promotion conversation.

Let your boss know

When it comes to office support jobs, the roles vary enormously and how closely your boss sees your output and contribution varies a lot too. However, it is crucial that they are frequently reminded of your value to the team. A drip-feeding approach does this best, so don’t only save things up for an annual performance review, like above. It can take a little practice, but there’s no need to come across as bragging.

·       Briefly explain how you solved a problem, rather than letting it go unnoticed without the boss ever knowing there was a problem in the first place.

·       Draw in the parts played by others, never diminishing the role they played to big yourself up.

·       Make sure you praise others to your boss when you can, so that they feel inclined to do the same in return. Indeed, if it feels more comfortable, pair up with a friendly colleague to shout about each other’s achievements.

In support roles, it’s always important to highlight your success within the team and wider organisation. It’s not just about you as an individual. Part of self-promotion is demonstrating your skill as a team player.

Use LinkedIn to keep a record

LinkedIn is excellent for listing your accomplishments and professional achievements and shouldn’t just be updated once in a blue moon when you are looking for a new role. Use your LinkedIn profile to document key achievements and then pop your LinkedIn profile in your email bio and signature.

Be your greatest cheerleader

It’d be lovely, in an ideal world, if your best work was readily noticed by others. In reality, most workplaces are busy, and stopping to smell the roses (or in this case, noticing your achievements) isn’t always possible. So you need to present your accomplishments in bitesize digestible pieces which are clear.

In time, being your own cheerleader will feel more comfortable and you’ll get used to celebrating your excellence. This will be rewarded in how you are viewed and the opportunities that come your way.


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