You’ve been brought up with the notion that work is never really going to be a barrel of laughs. Hating the commute is common. Feeling low on a Sunday night is normal, and it’s even more normal to feel a sense of dread as you get out of bed on a Monday morning. Plus, it’s all tied up in the importance of your income. So, how do you know when these ordinary experiences of life tip over to indicate that something needs to change?
It’s difficult to feel completely sure that now is the time to leave your job. At our London recruitment agency, we know that there are actually some giveaway signs that can reveal this isn’t a temporary blip or par for the course over a lifetime of work.
1. You’re driven by duty rather than passion
If you find yourself doing things because you should and not because you actively want to, then this is a stark warning. Everyone has aspects of their job that they simply have to do even though they aren’t their favourite. However, the way you feel about these elements shouldn’t dominate every task you do.
2. You’re doing the job, but nothing more
When you feel enthusiastic about your job, a job description is surplus to requirement. You are driven to do all of the tasks within your remit, but you feel driven to do more. You are actively engaged to go beyond the call of duty. If you find that you never want to give more of yourself than the mere boundaries of your job description, then this can be a tell-tale sign to move on.
3. You’re bored
OK, not every task is going to keep you fully engrossed and entertained, but if you spend hour upon hour at work bored, then you won’t be giving your best and it’s soul-destroying. Many people who are overly busy can underestimate the destructive nature of being very bored at work. To us, boredom is just as damaging. Work should be fulfilling the majority of the time.
4. Relationships with colleagues are difficult
One of the most important factors to how much you enjoy and engage with work is your relationship with colleagues. For those in office support jobs, it is the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the team that enables efficiency and productivity, and also spurs each individual on. If you don’t get on with those you work with (and especially if you feel bullied or harassed), life is too short and there are plenty of opportunities to work with people you will like.
5. Are you doing what you want to do?
It’s an obvious question to ask yourself, but not one that we’re used to asking regularly! However, you should have a clear idea if what you are doing now is what you want to be doing at this stage in your life. If it’s not, then it won’t change unless you do something about it. If you thought you’d be more senior by now or working in a different sector, you need to make a change to make that happen. Take courage and get moving.
At our leading London recruitment agency, we’re here to support you moving on from your job when you are ready to. We can help you act on the signs that it’s time to leave your job.
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