If you’ve been made redundant, now may be a time filled with anxiety and concern. However, once that shock has passed, being made redundant can be an opportunity in disguise. There’s one thing we often recommend to those who’ve been made redundant (whilst they take stock), and that is finding a temporary job (or jobs) in London.
Here are five powerful reasons why we believe that temping in London can be exactly what you need at this time:
1. It’s a gap job
You’ve heard of a gap year, but have you heard of a gap job? It’s not always easy to walk into a new job, certainly not one you’ll love. However, you also probably need to earn some cash, and want to avoid unnecessary gaps on your CV. Doing some temp work in London is effectively a gap job that will do the trick until your career plan is back on track!
2. Get some fresh perspective
While you’re busy working day-to-day, it's notoriously difficult to take a birds-eye view of your career and your life. When did you last consider if the industry you were in previously was where you really wanted to be? When did you last step out of your comfort zone to challenge yourself? Working in a temporary job (or jobs) helps you to gain the perspective you need to decide what road you want to take in the future.
3. It’s a skill builder
When you stay in one role, for one company, for a long time, your skills can actually grow stale. You aren’t being challenged to learn new skills that you can apply in new ways. When you’re temping, you acquire skills at a much faster pace. This might be just what you need to reinvigorate your CV, and nab that wonderful permanent job you want!
4. You spread your wings
When you do temp work, there’s no hiding under a rock. Instead, you’re getting out and meeting people. On the one hand, you could be building vital connections, which lead to new opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to. On the other hand, you’re getting lots of practice working with different individuals and strengthening your soft skills through a range of tasks and personal interactions. You may also acquire a really valuable referee, who can help you to secure a longer-term position in the sector!
5. You benefit from a confidence boost
Being made redundant can be a tough time. No matter how often you’ve been told that it’s “not personal”, it still feels personal. You can find yourself questioning your abilities and personality.Yet, you really need that confidence for job hunting. Therefore, taking on some temporary roles can allow you the opportunity to see that being made redundant wasn’t a reflection on you. You will learn that you are valuable, and that you are skilled!
Try to re-frame how you feel about redundancy, and use temporary jobs in London as the stepping stone to make that happen. There are a plethora of temp roles available in the capital as it opens up once more, so why don’t you register as a candidate today?
Love Success is a leading London PA & office support recruitment agency.
Our expert recruiters can help you find permanent and temporary jobs in London.
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