What’s It Like Temping in London at the Moment?

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 by The TempNo comments

Our London recruitment agency has been keen to find out what it’s like on the ground for those in temporary jobs in London. Our areas of expertise are office support, finance, and PA roles, but we spoke to all sorts of temps.

For many employers, temps have been a way of getting the skills they need onboard while pandemic-related economic uncertainty persists. It’s been an interesting time!

Transferrable skills have paid off

“I previously worked in hospitality,” says Nina. “I was on a zero-hours contract before Covid, and so it was really hard when the first lockdown hit. Although I was in hospitality, however, I figured I had skills that could be used elsewhere. I’m very organised and meticulous, so my friend suggested office support. I was a little wary as I wasn’t sure if my computer literacy was up to scratch. Love Success helped me through their Training and Assessment Centre, and then I started work as a temp. I’ve mostly been working from home, but I’ve loved it. I won’t be going back to hospitality when all this is over!”

There’s been all sorts out there

“I can’t believe the variety of temp work I’ve done in the last year!” Jamal said. “I’ve worked as a customer service agent, booking advisor, data entry clerk, and various other admin roles. I was temping before Covid came along, and for me, the difference is that there’s more variety. I think employers are choosing to use temps because they aren’t sure what’s happening in the longer term. I’ve worked in companies where the entire team has been temps.”

Working from home like many people

“I too was temping in office roles before Covid hit,” explains Cerys. “I was really worried that because it was office-based, I wouldn’t be able to find suitable roles once lockdown happened. However, after a few weeks, it turned out that not only did employers have the foresight to employ home-working, but in some cases,  they also needed more staff to help them adapt to it. I’ve not struggled to find temping roles since last May.”

Getting ready to be back in London

Ruth shared with us why she’s ready to get back into London: “One of the main reasons I do temp work in London is because I want to experience life in the capital. I didn’t really sign up for months of working in my parents’ back bedroom hundreds of miles away! I know I’ve been more fortunate than many, but I’m glad that more and more temp roles are now onsite. It means I can get back to the lifestyle I was after in the first place!”

Look for temporary jobs in London

There are currently loads of temporary jobs in London, particularly within the office support niche. As London reopens for office workers, we anticipate that there will be even more over the next few months.

If you’d like to do temporary work in London then please register with us.


Love Success is a leading London PA & office support recruitment agency.
Our expert recruiters can help you find permanent and temporary jobs in London.

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