What Can We Do Instead of an Office Christmas Party?

Posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 by The Workplace AdvisorNo comments

Anyone who knows the Love Success team well knows that we love a good party! Every year, we throw a fabulous, well-attended bash for all of our candidates temping in London. Furthermore, organising the office Christmas party is often a job for PAs. But this year, it’s different. We have the “rule of six” to contend with — and that’s the best-case scenario! At worst, socialising in person will be forbidden. But don’t despair! We’ve come up with a bunch of alternative ideas for your office Christmas party, all of which ensure that Covid isn’t an unwanted gatecrasher.

Ideas for a socially-distanced office Christmas party

  • The virtual party

    Time to Zoom into a virtual party. Unfortunately, this does rely heavily on organised fun, but a brilliant night can still be had with themed quizzes, word games, Bingo, and everyone’s favourite tipple.

  • Christmas jumper day

    If you’re looking to add a dash of festive spirit to your virtual workplace, then you can organise a Christmas jumper day. If you’re frequently hopping onto video calls with each other, this is a perfect solution.

  • Secret Santa

    Just because you can’t pull a name out of a real hat, doesn’t mean Secret Santa needs to be abandoned. The organiser lets everyone know who’s buying for who, and the gifts can be sent to home addresses. Then everyone unwraps together!

  • Online karaoke

    Depending on the nature of your team, a karaoke night might go down well. There are a bunch of different karaoke apps to choose from.

  • Theme night at home

    From a cheese-and-wine night to gingerbread-house decorating, it’s possible to run virtual theme nights with everyone in their own homes. Either nominate one person as the host who organises kits to be sent out to everyone in advance, or hire a company that does all the hard work for you.

  • Private chefs

    If your team is small or can be split into groups of six and under, you can hire a private chef to cater for a dinner party. Similarly, if your team is still meeting in a Covid-secure office, it may be possible to have a private catering company bring in some goodies to turn a regular workday into the office Christmas party day.

  • Show appreciation differently this year

    If you’ve still got the budget for a Christmas party, then use it to show appreciation to your employees who’ve had a tough year by buying them gifts. Check out some gift delivery companies.

  • Book ice skating

Lots of traditional ice rinks won’t be happening this year, but a few London ice rinks are happening in 2020. It’s outdoors, social distancing is being put in place, and it’s very festive. For small teams, it may be a solution.

These ideas will ensure you can plan something that will keep everyone feeling excited and motivated in the weeks ahead. Of course, you can always delay your party and make it a post-Covid celebration instead, but for now, it's important to keep morale up.


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