Working from Home During Winter: How to Make It Work
Posted on Friday, October 23, 2020 by The Office Zen Master — No comments
Working from home over the glorious spring and summer has meant lunches in the garden, a walk around the neighbourhood counting rainbows, and saving money on commuting costs. All of this seemed to make it feel bearable and worthwhile. However, at our London recruitment agency, we know all too well that working from home during the winter months is a very different experience. So, how can you make working from home during the autumn and winter work?
- Keep warm while watching costs
If you’re not used to working from home during the winter, then your first gas and electricity bills may come as a shock. Chances are you’re not used to being at home during the day. If you work as a PA or in a desk-based role, you’ll soon feel chilly if you don’t have a way of staying warm. Consider whether you need to change your utility plans now you’ll be using more during the day. Try to only heat the room you’re working in rather than the whole house, and work away from drafty windows where possible. Also, there’s nothing wrong with covering your lower body with a blanket – no one will see it on video calls!
- Get some daylight
If you’re used to commuting to the office for work, then it’s likely that during the winter months, that’s how you get your daylight quotient. If you’re working from home during the winter, make sure you still take the time to go outside. Wrap up warm and head out for a walk around the block at lunchtime. You may miss the opportunity if you leave it until after work.
- Surround yourself with colour
On wet, blustery days, you won’t have to embark on leaving the house in the cold and dark to get to work. However, the house as a workplace can quickly seem dull and grey. Make sure your workspace is surrounded with lovely, bright colours to keep you invigorated and inspired even on the greyest of days.
- Pot some plants
Did your office have plants in it? There are good reasons for that! Having greenery around you whilst you work has been shown to improve happiness and productivity. Bring the outdoors inside by surrounding yourself with some of your favourite plants and blooms.
- Move your desk
Many of us in PA and office-based roles started working at home in the spring thinking it was going to be short-lived. We may still be “making do” with our home office set up. However, if you’re now going to be working from home over the winter, it’s several months into the process and counting. Take the time to get yourself set up and more comfortable for the long haul. Make a dedicated home workspace and ensure you’re comfortable.
At our London recruitment agency, we’re recruiting for roles that will be working from home and roles that will see you back in the office. You can choose the environment that works best for you. Give us a call on 020 7870 7177 if you do or don’t want to be working from home over winter!
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