What You Need to Know About Video Meeting Etiquette
Posted on Friday, June 12, 2020 by The Office Zen Master — No comments
During lockdown, many businesses (our recruitment agency included) plunged into the world of video meetings with little thought for how they differ from physical meetings. It was necessary at the time, but now we know that remote working will be a part of the “new normal”, we need to pay some attention to video meeting etiquette. London’s PAs need to educate themselves and their executives. So, what do you need to know?
- Preparation is key
It’s bad enough rocking up to an in-person interview poorly prepared. If you’re on a video call, it’s painfully embarrassing. A lack of planning will lead to technical issues, awkward pauses, and a general lack of focus.
London’s office support workers are renowned for their organisational skills, so put them to good use! Make sure you’re in position, notes to hand and ready to connect, a good few minutes in advance of the meeting start time.
- Be vain — but not too vain
Before connecting to a meeting, check you’re well-positioned in the screen and that the lighting’s neither too dark nor too bright. Remove the backdrop of your teen’s favourite TV show, and ensure the natural background is neutral and relatively impersonal.
Once that’s done, make sure your eyes are on the webcam, not the image of you in the corner. It’s obvious to others, and you’ll look self-obsessed and distracted.
- Eliminate noise
It’s both distracting and discourteous to other attendees if you’re the source of unnecessary noise. Put your phone on silent so people aren’t aware every time you get a WhatsApp message, shut the window to minimise traffic noise, and make sure the kids are under strict orders not to interrupt (bribery is allowed for this).
- Look professional
When working from home, it’s tempting to rock up to work in your PJs. You may even think you’re being clever making your top half look good whilst wearing your joggers below. That’s fine until your boss suggests everyone stands up to brainstorm, or you have to go and get some additional paperwork. Dressing smartly also helps you get into the right mindset for a productive meeting.
- Get acquainted with the mute button
Know how to use the mute button effectively. When you’re not talking, you should be on mute — no exceptions. It enables everyone to hear properly and eliminates unwanted distractions.
- Don’t multi-task
The temptation to carry on doing something else in the background, from checking emails to writing your to-do list, is immense. But if you wouldn’t do it in a physical meeting, don’t do it in a virtual one. It’s rude and a sure-fire way to miss important information. Remain focused and attentive.
Video meetings are ubiquitous at the moment and can be very useful. However, they come with challenges. Knowing your video meeting etiquette will ensure that meetings are productive, professional, and useful.
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