How to Clean up Your Social Media before a Job Search

Posted on Monday, January 15, 2018 by The Career GuideNo comments

In an age where people update their Facebook status and upload Instagram selfies multiple times every day, it’s easy to see why job hunters are so keen to clean up their social media accounts. Maintaining a clean social media presence can be difficult, but it really is important if you’re looking to land your dream role. It’s essential that your online presence portrays you as a good candidate to prospective employers. As a leading London recruitment agency, we know how to ensure you portray the best image. So here’s how to ready your social media profiles for your job search…

Google yourself

The quickest and easiest way to find out where you on the internet is simply to Google yourself incognito. It’s likely that some of the top hits for your name will be Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. It will become clear to you just how easily you can be found, and how much of your life can be exposed as a result of a quick search. If there are things you don’t want recruiters to see, you need to begin privatising, hiding, and even deleting certain aspects of your social media presence.

Increase your privacy settings

Social media platforms tend to change their settings regularly, and so even if you thought that your privacy settings on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were high, this might no longer be the case. Therefore, it makes sense to assess this to make sure that anything you don’t want employers to see remains hidden. On Facebook, the you can simply hit the ‘view profile as’ button—to see what others can see. On Twitter, go to settings and download your archive, which has a record of every tweet you’ve ever posted. You can then scroll through and delete any that are inappropriate! You may also want to consider making your Twitter profile private by ‘protecting your profile’.  

Check your profile (and cover photo!)

Whilst that photo of you drinking shots in Ibiza always makes you smile, it’s unlikely to do the same for potential employers! You need ask yourself whether your Facebook and Twitter profile and cover photos emit a sense of professionalism and portray you as a good candidate. Make sure these photos don’t show you drunk or even drinking alcohol, or doing anything even vaguely offensive or rude. Whilst it doesn’t need to be as PC as a LinkedIn photo, it should be subtle. Whether you’re applying for temporary PA jobs, top London PA jobs, or office support roles, then your profile photo should be appropriate.

Revise your LinkedIn profile

These days, most recruiters check a candidate’s LinkedIn page when they apply for job. For this reason, it’s really important to revise your profile and make sure that it screams professionalism. Your profile photo should be a headshot of you, ideally on a plain background, and should be much more formal than your profile photos on other social media. You’ll need to make sure that all information is current, with qualifications, job responsibilities, and achievements up to date to gain that PA job, office support job, or EA role.

As experienced recruitment specialists, we know the impact that social media can have on a candidate’s job search. Many employers now screen prospective employees this way, using social networks to ensure that they hire a professional and trustworthy individual. To avoid missing out on your dream role, make sure that your social media is clean before you begin your job search.

For expert advice on how to find top PA jobs and office support jobs in London, contact Love Success. We’re an established PA recruitment agency and can help you find the right role for you in the capital.


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