How Important Is Personal Branding?

Posted on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 by Brand LoverNo comments

The idea of the ‘personal brand’ is not a new one – it’s been floating around in recruitment circles for decades. But in recent years, especially with the growth of social media and the internet, it’s taken on a new significance for those looking to climb the career ladder. As an experienced London recruitment agency, we know the importance of personal branding in gaining that dream role.

Your personal brand is essentially the way in which you market yourself in the world of business. This applies not only to recruitment, but to clients, partners, and other individuals who you may interact with as part of your job. It uses all the same principles as building a regular brand – it positions you within a certain market, emphasises your expertise, and communicates your values to those who may be interested in working with you.

The benefits of a good personal brand

If you manage to develop a strong personal brand, it can be a real asset when you’re planning to take your career to the next level. Here are just a few of the benefits:

• Your personal brand is a differentiator. In increasingly competitive markets such as tech and marketing, this can be key to ensuring your application for a certain position stands out. It also helps recruiters and companies evaluate your suitability far more effectively than they can with any bland CV.

• You’ll come across as having a sense of confidence and clarity, which many of your competitors may not have. Building your brand means establishing exactly what you can offer and what you want from your career – so when it comes down to answering these interview questions, you’ll be prepared with some great answers that will hopefully resonate with your dream employers.

• Having a personal brand helps position you as a leader. It helps to create an image that people will look up to and respect, which can be crucial when trying to pin down those high-ranking positions that so many people covet - whether it's a senior partner role, an amazing office manager opportunity, or top London PA job.

How to develop your personal brand

One of the most important steps in developing your personal brand for job search purposes is to ensure that your online presence on all platforms is aligned. There’s no point in having a thoroughly professional LinkedIn profile and Twitter account if you’re also going to have a personal Facebook page detailing the ins and outs of your personal life. If you want to keep one profile for your social needs, make sure the privacy settings are adjusted so that onlookers will only see a unified image of you and your brand.

You should also make sure that your offline assets are in line with your own branding. This means business cards, CVs, covering letters, and other materials you might use when looking for a new role. Your brand should be consistent across all resources and assets you have.

Try to remember that personal branding doesn’t have to be deadly serious. You should still convey some of your personality as part of your brand – otherwise it won’t be authentic! Use your professional judgement when it comes to deciding how much of your personality you wish to inject, but do remember that people are more likely to naturally warm to you if you come across as human and approachable, rather than a stuffy, inaccessible corporate brand.

For more tips on gaining your dream job, explore the Love Success blog today!


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